Reunion 2022 - Colorado Springs, CO

USS Washoe County LST 1165 Association

Charles Miller (Skipper),

Glenn Malone (XO)

Kenneth Erickson (Secretary/Treasurer)

Denny & Bonnie Steenbergen (Reunion Planners)

Gary Blackburn (Newsletter Editor)

Bernie La Fianza (Chaplain)

Annual Business Meeting Minutes

Saturday 8 October 2022

Meeting called to Order

The meeting was called to order by Skipper Charles Miller at 0905. 20 members, spouses and friends were in attendance. Board attendees – Miller, Erickson, Blackburn & the Steenbergens

Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Skipper Charles Miller.

Secretary’s Report

Secretary Erickson pointed out that the minutes were passed out prior to the meeting. The motion to approve the minutes was made by Denny Steenbergen and 2nd by Gene Joe Harvill. Motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

Ken Erickson gave the treasurer’s report reporting what the cash balance was at the beginning of the 2022 and also the balance at the beginning of the reunion. Important items of revenue and expenses were pointed out for possible discussion. A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Doc Blackburn and 2nd by Denny Steenbergen. Motion carried unanimously.

Membership Report

Ken Erickson gave the report of current members, stating that there were still quite a few addresses and email addresses missing. Ken mentioned that shipmate’s wives or any others could become an associated member for the same amount of dues. There are currently 84 members of which 1 life member, 5 are honorary members. It was noted that Pat Wallin is now a honorary member after the passing of husband James Wallin and no longer has to pay dues. The master lists of shipmates was passed around for proofing and to see if someone knew of any changes or any shipmates that could be added to the lists. Changes to the lists can be emailed to Ken Erickson at –

Ship’s Store

Bonnie Steenbergen gave the ships store report stating that once the web site was completed there would be a list of ship’s store items that could be purchased.

Old Business

The ship’s store will be managed by the Ken Erickson/Sippel families. A list of the items for sale will be posted on the web site and listed in the newsletter also. Instructions on how to make purchases and pay for them will also mentioned. No items will be sent out until payment has been received. There are some information items in the new web site already and the address is: There will be information where one can send items to be posted on the site as well as reunion pictures. As of now, it is a work in progress project.

New Business

Elections –

All attending officers stated they would keep their positions. A motion was made by Larry Tiller to unanimously cast a white ballot to accept the current officers. It was 2nd by Gary Blackburn. Motion carried unanimously.

Newsletter Editor –

Denny Steenbergen will be taking over the newsletter. There will be articles on Vietnam and the Washoe County and other interesting articles.

Reunions –

Reunions are getting more expensive and there was discussion about we need more people to attend the reunions. There also was discussion about maybe holding reunions with some other ship to have more attendees. Discussion about where to hold the next reunion was brought up and it is to be on the East Coast. Some sites that came up were Buffalo, Savanna and Jacksonville. There were pros and cons about the various sites. Doc Blackburn made a motion to hold the next reunion at Jacksonville, Florida. Pat Wallin 2nd the motion and it was unanimously carried. The Planning Coordinators are looking at the date somewhere from September 16 – 29, 2023.

Disaster Fund –

With the destructions in Florida from the hurricane, it was mentioned the association could maybe support members that reside in that area. The names that came up were Larry Tiller, Clement Hawk and Phil Guarneri. It was mentioned that two of them are in arrears with association dues. The Steenbergens and Pat Wallin said that they would pay the arrear dues on those two members. Pat Wallin made a motion to set up a Disaster Fund within the Association. It was 2nd by Richard Krebs and carried unanimously.

Fund Miscellaneous items –

Bonnie and Denny were recognized for their outstanding service to the association, especially to all the planning and coordination that goes into a reunion. Job Well Done!

Adjournment -

Motion to adjourn was made by Dick Hamill and 2nd by Joe Harvill. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully – Ken Erickson – Secretary